Bringing Hospital Care Home
Bringing Hospital Care Home

In this project I set out to understand how patients, caregivers, and clinicians felt about getting acute care treatment at home instead of at the hospital emergency department. To better understand these perspectives I held focus group discussions with patients and caregivers and conducted qualitative interviews with clinicians. Below are storyboards that helped to convey this concept to family caregiver and patient focus group participants. The two storyboards below show two different options for beginning the journey of receiving hospital care at home. One starts with the patient being sent to the home hospital from the doctor's office and the second shows the patient being sent there from the emergency department.

In this scenario, the patient goes to the emergency department and qualifies for acute care at home. The patient receives care at home, then transfers back to their primary care doctor at the end of their treatment.
In this scenario the patient goes to a regularly scheduled doctor appointment and it is determined that the patient needs acute care. The patient chooses to have acute care at home and begins the acute care at home program with a new doctor that is assigned to her through the program. When the patient's treatment ends, care is transferred back to her primary care physician.